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Combatting Health Problems

News Orders setbacks

Hi everyone, I know it's been a long time since I posted anything on my Facebook page or here or anywhere else. This is because, as you may already know, I am suffering from an assortment of physical maladies that have been conspiring to make functioning as a human almost impossible. And I'm not being melodramatic when I say this, I have hardly had the strength to stand up and walk around my house for a long time now. Mostly I have a blood problem, and secondary problems are made worse by the blood problem. And they all seem to go in rotation. Yesterday was the first day in months I've had enough energy to do anything so I did laundry. That's all I had in me. 

I'm taking medication, I have appointments with specialists, and stuff is very incrementally inching in the direction of getting better, but I don't have high hopes for when I'll be back to 100%, if that ever happens at all. I might just have to accept that being completely run down and exhausted and in pain is my new 100% and figure out how to live like that. 

As far as orders go, I know some of you (well, all of you) have been waiting for quite some time. I appreciate your patience and I am going to complete these orders, but I understand if the wait is too long. Feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to cancel your order or you have any questions. 


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